Music Teachers: Take Care of Yourselves So You Can Take Care of Your Students

TACET for Teachers was born out of a need to give music teachers strategies and encouragement to take care of their well-being. Too many music teachers find themselves stressed, overwhelmed, and unbalanced, and as a result, end up unhappy or leaving the profession. On this website you will find a collection of information and resources, inspired by the five pillars of TACET, to help you find more balance in your life and a better sense of well-being.
How To Use This Site
As with all things well-being, start small. Attempting to change everything right away may work short-term, but it’s not sustainable. Pick one area at first and learn more to implement small, manageable shifts in your current lifestyle. The 5 pillars of TACET are set- up to make this easy! Take it one pillar at a time.
Now it’s time to make a commitment – for yourself, and for your students. As music teachers, we can only take care of our students if we take care of ourselves first. Do it. You’re worth it!
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